Company House #1

Your Price: $25.00
Part Number:3084
This is a laser cut unpainted wood kit that needs assembly. Includes material for one house and two sheds. 
Fencing NOT INCLUDED. The photos of the Three are of the N scale build the other is the HO version.
These are based on a photo of housing for works at the Naval shipyard in Norfolk Va. era 1942 that I found on
 the Shorpy  web site.
Kit includes Tichy window and door casing with laser cut glazing to fit.  Window and door opening are not cut through but engraved on the back side so you can place them as you like. 4 doors and 8 windows are supplied with each kit
Foot print of the N scale house is 1.75 x 3.375 inches and the shed are .75 x1 inch and .625x 1 inch 

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